

2024年2月3日 音箱 浏览:494 复制链接 手机访问 手机扫一扫






尺寸:长:76cm   宽:60cm  高:142cm


    西电被视为传导声音技术的先驱,于上个世纪的二三十年代,这家公司不断研究开发音响之路。1938年间,美国政府觉得西电没有花时间于研究军用通讯系统,因而勒令西电另立部门,所以有了ALL TECHNICAL SERVICES这个部门,1939年被简称为ALTEC。成立于1937年的Altec Lansing公司是北美最富盛名的音频产品制造商,自创办之日起,就走在了高品质音箱的前列,并为声音技术民用化的发展做出了巨大的贡献。

    70多年的光辉历程,奠定了ALTEC在业界不朽地位。二十世纪二十年代奥特蓝星的前身为(ERPI)服务部门,隶属于美国西电公司(Western Electric),西电为贝尔系统公司(Bell System)的子公司,ALTEC主要负责电声产品的研发和推广,拥有贝尔电话实验室和西电最先进的电声技术。从1927年为历史上第壹部有声电影《爵士歌手》提供音频解决方案,到设计发明第一套完善的剧院音响系统,再到造福了亿万用户的第壹套家用的高保真音响(HiFi)设备,方方面面都留下了奥特蓝星不朽的传奇。



Brand: ALTEC 

Model: A1

Type: speaker

Origin: United States

Year: 1960s

Size: length: 76cm width: 60cm high: 142cm

Equipment introduction:

    Western Electric is regarded as a pioneer of sound transmission technology. In the last century in the 1920s and 1930s, the company continued to research developing sounds.During 1938, US government thought Western Electric didn’t spent any time studying military communication system, so ordered Western Electric to set up other departments, then there came out the ALL TECHNICAL SERVICES department, and it was called ALTEC for short in 1939. Altec Lansing founded in 1937 is the most prestigious audio product manufacturer in North America, since it was founded, it had become leader of high quality speakers, and made a great contribution in sound technology civilianize.

    70 years of glorious history laid the immortal status Altec in the industry. In 1920s,the predecessor of Altec Lansing (Erpi) was service department, belonging to the Western Electric Company, Western Electric is a subsidiary of Bell System Companies, Altec mainly responsible for the development and promotion of the electro acoustic products, it had the most advanced electro acoustic technology of Bell Telephone Laboratories and Western Electric. From  providing audio solutions for the first sound film  < jazz singer > in 1927, to inventing the first perfect systems for theater loudspeakers, then benefiting billions of the first household hi fi (hifi) equipment, all aspects have left Altec Lansing immortal legends.


