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尺寸:长:80cm   宽:40cm  高:173cm


    Vivid Audio就像“一块黑土地上的白纸”一样,它处在南非这么一个充满矛盾和反差巨大的国家,制造出完全不符合这个国家特质的产品,实际上Vivid Audio的起源确实和南非无关,它的设计反而和英国的B&W鹦鹉螺系列产品息息相关,因为它的合伙创始人之一,Laurence Dickie,正是以前B&W的主创设计人员之一。

    1996年,前任B&W主席Robert Trunz离开了他的公司移民到了南非,他遇到了Philip Guttentag,一个雄心勃勃的音响零售商,一心想要发展自己的音箱产品,Robert Trunz建议他把Laurence Dickie请过来设计单元,而不是找OEM厂家,这就促成了Vivid Audio的成立。



VIVID (英文版)

Brand: VIVID

Type: speaker

Origin: South Africa

Year: 2002

Size: length: 80cm width: 40cm high: 173cm

Equipment introduction:

   Vivid audio is just like "a piece white paper on the black land", it is in the country South Africa which is full of great contradictions and contrasts. This product was created totally inconsistent with the national characteristics. Actually, Vivid Audio’s origin has nothing to do with South Africa, but its design was closely to the series products of B & W Nautilus in Britain. Because one of its co-founder, Laurence Dickie, was one of the B & W’s creative designer.

    In 1996, the former B & W President Robert Trunz left his company and immigrated to South Africa, he met Philip Guttentag, an ambitious audio retailer who wanted to develop his own sound box products, Robert Trunz suggested him to invite Laurence Dickie to design units, rather than looking for OEM manufacturers, which contributed to the establishment of the Vivid Audio.

    Vivid is quite demanding and specific to its components and the process. Each speaker unit must be linear motion in the available frequency band. Box can’t be internal resonance, the external shape won’t influence too much on the wave diffraction, distance between speakers must be as close as possible, to minimize the vertical off-axis response changes, horizontal off-axis response must be smooth and monotone, divider design ensures the phase consistency in adjacent units, so as to achieve a concerted vocal effect.

