
钟情老唱片推荐01208 Say A Song: Irish Songs in the Old Style

2014年11月26日 钟情老唱片 浏览:147 复制链接 手机访问 手机扫一扫
唱片名称:Say A Song: Irish Songs in the Old Style歌手名称:Joe Heaney发行公司:Northwest Folklife发行日期:1996年


唱片名称:Say A Song: Irish Songs in the Old Style
歌手名称:Joe Heaney
发行公司:Northwest Folklife

1.Stor mo chroi
2.Eileanoir a Ruin 
3.Galway Shawl 
4.Wife Of The Bold Tenant Farmer
5.Roisin Dubh
6.Raibh Tu Ar an Gcarraig
7.Red Is the Rose
8.Oiche Nollag 
9.Seothin Seo Ho/Oro Mo Bhaidin/Coochenanty 
10.Will You Come Over the Mountain
11.Rocks Of Bawn
12.Tiarna Randal
13.My Love She's in America/Off to California
14.Oro, Se Do Bheatha 'Bhaile
15.Bean Dubh an Ghleanna
16.I Wish I Had Someone To Love Me
17.Buinnean Bui
18.Claddagh Ring
19.Caoineadh Na dTri Muire